In Memory of Jaider Esbell.

Jaider Esbell.
( 1979-2021 )

Your voice will be missed as it passes on to our ancestors and generations to come.

I first met Jaider, as he was called, in September of 2019, when he came to Toronto to participate in the Arctic/Amazon Symposium hosted by Wapatah and the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery. He seemed comfortable in any setting. I watched him address symposium participants on Amazonian Indigenous issues. Later, I photographed him wearing his traditional headdress while dancing with tremendous pride in a powwow in Curve Lake. We once shared an important conversation during a break, while he was sunning himself. His presence on earth was important for all the people of the Amazon. Just recently he established an important presence at the famed Biennale of São Paulo, not only for himself but for Indigenous artists from across South America. In his wake, he leaves much behind for future generations, things that he no doubt felt were important. Brazil has lost an important voice and we here at Wapatah mourn a friend and colleague.

— Gerald McMaster


His presence on earth was important for all the people of the Amazon."

Gerald McMaster

 Um dia silencioso. De reflexão. De saudade. De Jaider Esbell.

Deixo aqui uma doce lembrança de seu encontro com o lago Ontário, que tanto desejou.

Jaider Esbell vive. Sua arte está viva. Suas palavras ressoam.

— Jananda Lima

A silent day. Of reflection. Of longing. Of Jaider Esbell.

I leave here a sweet memory of your meeting with Lake Ontario, which you so longed for.

Jaider Esbell is alive. Your art is alive. Your words resonate.

— Jananda Lima, Wapatah Alum and Arctic/Amazon Team member

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