
Bathurst Inlet Fieldwork June/July 2019

In June/July 2019, Brendan Griebel participated in 3 weeks of climate change field research in the Bathurst Inlet region of Nunavut. This 5 year project funded through SSHRC and INAC, and run in partnership between Cambridge Bay’s Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq / Kitikmeot Heritage Society (PI/KHS) ( and University of Toronto archaeologist Dr. Max Friesen, seeks to catalogue and visualize the enduring and evolving Inuit relationship to Bathurst Inlet landscape through the seamless combination of archaeological excavation, drone mapping, climate change monitoring, language and toponymy, and oral history.  As a long-time research associate of PI/KHS, Brendan worked across historical ethnographies and contemporary Elder/land-user interviews to document changing understandings, representations, and engagements of the area’s land-human relationships.

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